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Collagen is the primary structural protein in our bodies, giving strength to our skin, hair, nails, and joints. Incorporating high-collagen foods into our diets can support our bodies in maintaining this vital protein. 

The importance of collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, playing a crucial role in maintaining the health of our skin, hair, nails, and joints. In addition, it provides structure and elasticity, helping to keep us looking youthful and feeling agile. Around a third of all protein in the body is collagen. It is necessary for blood clotting, wound healing, and it is a major component of our skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons. You might have heard of collagen fillers and creams that promise to make our skin plump and wrinkle free. But, what many of us don't know is that collagen is naturally produced in our bodies already.  

As we age, we naturally begin to lose the strength of collagen. The collagen that our body produces is less powerful than the collagen that we produced when we were younger, and we produce less of it. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to the best foods for boosting your collagen levels naturally.

Bone Broth: A Nutrient-Rich Source of Collagen

Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones and connective tissues for an extended period of time. This process allows the bone collagen to break into gelatin, which the body can absorb easily. Making bone broth is easy and can be made right in your own home in either an instant pot, a slow cooker, or on a pot on the stove. 

Preparing your bone broth

To maximize the collagen content, use a variety of bones and connective tissues such as marrow bones, knuckles, and feet. 

Plan to start simmering your bones in the morning so that you have enough time to simmer for 24-48 hours. Simmering the bones this long will yield a nutrient rich broth. 


  1. Place 2-3 pounds of mixed bones into a large pot.
  2. Cover with water and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (to help extract the nutrients).
  3. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 24-48 hours.
  4. Strain and cool. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week, or freeze for more extended storage.

Fish and Shellfish: Seafood Rich in Collagen

Fish and shellfish are excellent sources of collagen, especially the parts we don't typically eat, like the head, scales, and shell. Salmon, in particular, is rich in type I collagen, which is beneficial for skin, hair, and nails.

How to include more seafood in your diet

While eating fish heads and scales might not be practical, enjoying fish a few times a week can still provide collagen benefits. Shellfish shells can also be used to make a collagen-rich broth.

Chicken: A Traditional Source of Collagen

Chicken is a traditional source of collagen, particularly chicken feet, loaded with this essential protein. Consuming some chicken soup can be comforting and collagen-boosting. 


  1. Place a whole chicken or chicken piece in a large pot.
  2. Cover with water and add vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions.
  3. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 1-2 hours.
  4. Remove chicken, shred meat, and return to the pot.
  5. Strain before serving, if desired.

Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C for Collagen Production

While citrus fruits don't contain collagen, they're rich in vitamin C, a critical nutrient for collagen synthesis. So incorporating oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes into your diet can aid your body's natural collagen production. 


  1. Slice your favorite citrus fruits thinly.
  2. Add to a pitcher of water.
  3. Chill and enjoy a refreshing, collagen-boosting beverage.

Berries: Antioxidants and Vitamins

Berries are another excellent vitamin C source, a vital collagen production nutrient. Berries also contain antioxidants, which protect collagen from damage caused by free radicals.

How to Incorporate Berries into Your Diet

Add a handful of berries to your morning cereal, toss them into a salad, or blend them into a smoothie for a delicious and nutritious collagen boost.


  1. Add 1 cup of mixed berries, 1 banana, and 1 cup of almond milk into a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Enjoy a refreshing, collagen-boosting smoothie.

Garlic: A Collagen-Boosting Superfood

Garlic provides sulfur, a necessary element for collagen production. It also includes taurine and lipoic acid, which help rebuild damaged collagen. As a result, adding garlic to your meals enhances flavor and boosts your collagen intake.

Leafy Greens: For Healthy Collagen Synthesis

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are high in antioxidants, which protect collagen in the skin. They also contain chlorophyll, which increases the precursor to collagen (procollagen) in the skin. 

Adding Leafy Greens to Your Diet

Incorporate leafy greens into your diet by adding them to salads and smoothies, or even by sautéing them as a side dish.

Bell Peppers: Vitamin C-Rich Veggies

Bell peppers, particularly red bell peppers, are another excellent vitamin C source essential for collagen synthesis. They also contain capsaicin, a compound that reduces inflammation and can slow collagen breakdown.

Beans: Amino Acids for Collagen Production

Beans are rich in protein, which provides the amino acids needed for collagen synthesis. They also contain hyaluronic acid, a compound that can help retain skin moisture and promote collagen synthesis.

Collagen-Boosting Bean Soup 


  1. Sauté onions, carrots, and garlic in olive oil until soft.
  2. Add 2 cans of your favorite beans, vegetable broth, and spices.
  3. Simmer until flavors meld together.
  4. Puree if desired, or enjoy as a hearty, chunky soup.

Boosting Collagen with Sol Nutrition 

Our collagen starts to decline as we age (unbelievably around the age of 25) but that doesn't mean that we need to accept it. Let It grow is a blend rich in biotin and collagen, helping thicken and strengthen hair and nails. The function of Let It Grow brings nutrients to hair follicles to maintain a healthy hair color and promote fewer split ends. 

While diet plays a significant role, a holistic approach is critical for optimizing collagen production. This includes getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive sun exposure.

Incorporating these high-collagen foods and pairing them with Let It Grow, can give your body the nutrients it needs to promote healthy collagen synthesis, thereby supporting your skin, hair, nails, and joints. Now, you are equipped with knowledge and recipes to start your journey toward a collagen-rich lifestyle!