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What makes us unique?
1. Complete Transparency
Complete transparency and visibility of all our test results so you know exactly what you’re taking.
2. Quality & Care
We source with great care and test every ingredient meticulously to ensure that our supplements are pure, potent, and effective. You’re the most important part of our business and we’ll always be here to help you find your SOL.
3. Potency
All of our products go through rigorous processing to eliminate any toxins and harsh metals, puling out the best parts of the herbs and creating a 15x more potent supplement - this means you can get more from our supplements by taking less!
Meet the Doctor behind Sol
Dr. Liu OMD. PHD.
Dr. Jing Liu is a seasoned pro with over 30 years of experience in the world of Herbal Chinese Medicine. Her passion for natural healing led her to create SOL Nutrition so that everyone can have access to the healing power of herbs!
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