Morning Routines That Help Keep Cortisol Levels Down

Morning Routines That Help Keep Cortisol Levels Down

Mornings can be the most challenging part of the day, especially if you’re a working parent juggling getting the kids ready for school and yourself out the door on time. If you’re anything like me, this morning chaos often sets a stressful tone for the day, spiking cortisol levels and making it harder to keep calm. But, with a few simple strategies, you can turn those frantic mornings into a more peaceful start to the day. Here’s what’s worked for me and how you can make your mornings smoother and less stressful.

Understanding Cortisol: The Morning Surge

Cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone," is naturally higher in the morning. This hormone helps us wake up and get moving, but when stress is added to the mix, those levels can go through the roof. Starting the day with elevated cortisol not only makes you feel more anxious but can also lead to feeling burnt out by the time lunch rolls around. The key is to manage morning stress so that your cortisol levels don’t spike unnecessarily.

How I Avoid Morning Stress:

As a working mom, I know how stressful mornings can be. Between getting my son ready for school and making sure I’m prepared for the day, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But I’ve found a few tricks that have made a world of difference. Here’s how you can make your mornings easier and less stressful too:

  • Pack Lunches and Backpacks the Night Before:
    One of the biggest time-savers for me has been packing lunches and preparing backpacks the night before. Whether it’s for my son or myself, having everything ready to grab and go in the morning takes a huge weight off my shoulders. I leave the backpacks by the door and lunch in the fridge, so there’s no scrambling to find things when we’re running late.
  • Shower the Kids at Night:
    Bath time can be a relaxing part of the bedtime routine, and it’s a great way to save time in the morning. Showering the kids at night not only helps them unwind before bed but also eliminates the need for a morning bath or shower, which can be a stressful rush. This simple change has made our mornings much smoother.
  • Pick Out Clothes the Night Before:
    Another game-changer has been having my son pick out his clothes the night before. I even do this for myself now! We lay out everything on the bed, so it’s ready to go in the morning. No more morning debates about what to wear or searching for that missing sock. It’s all set, and we can get dressed in a flash.
  • Meal Prep Breakfast Ahead of Time:
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it can also be the most stressful. Instead of trying to whip something up in the morning, I’ve started meal-prepping breakfast ahead of time. Whether it’s overnight oats, a smoothie pack, or a breakfast burrito, having something ready to heat and eat has made mornings so much easier. Plus, it ensures we’re all starting the day with a nutritious meal.

The Power of Relax Me and Adrenal Support:

Even with all these tricks, some mornings can still be stressful. That’s where Sol Nutrition’s Relax Me and Adrenal Support come in. These supplements have been a lifesaver for me, helping me stay calm and balanced, even on the most hectic mornings.

Relax Me is an amazing supplement that helps me chill out and not get as stressed in the mornings. It’s specifically designed to help you cope with feelings of anxiousness and stress, so when you’re in those stressful situations, they don’t bother you as much. Pairing it with Adrenal Support has been a game-changer for balancing my cortisol levels. Adrenal Support helps:

  • Support healthy adrenal function
  • Promote healthy hormone production
  • Naturally detox and stabilize your adrenal glands
  • Lower overall stress and regulate stress levels

With these two supplements, I’ve noticed a significant difference in how I handle morning stress, and my cortisol levels stay much more balanced throughout the day.

Relax MeAdrenal Support

Extra Tips for a Smooth Morning:

  • Waking Up Earlier: One of the simplest yet most effective changes I made was gradually waking up 15-30 minutes earlier. It might seem minor, but this extra time in the morning creates a buffer that allows you to move through your routine without feeling rushed. Instead of jumping out of bed and immediately diving into the morning hustle, this small adjustment lets you ease into the day.
  • Morning Mindfulness: Taking just 5-10 minutes in the morning for deep breathing exercises, a quick meditation, or even a short stretching session can make a huge difference in how you approach the day.
  • Use a Morning Checklist: Having a list of tasks that need to be done before heading out the door helps ensure that nothing is forgotten and creates a sense of accomplishment as each task is checked off. For both you and your kids, a checklist can provide structure to the morning routine and eliminate the need for last-minute scrambling.

Stock Up During Our 48-Hour Sale!

If you’re ready to take control of your mornings and manage your stress levels better, now is the perfect time to stock up on Sol Nutrition’s Relax Me and Adrenal Support. We’re running a 30% off sitewide sale on Sol Nutrition Supplements for 48 hours only! This is the perfect opportunity to grab your back-to-school supplements, not just for yourself, but for your kids too. With these supplements in your morning routine, you’ll be setting yourself up for a calmer, more balanced day.

Must Read: Boost Your Back-to-School Routine with GoGo Energy and Happy Day 

Final Thoughts:

Mornings don’t have to be stressful. With a little planning and the right support, you can start your day off right and keep your cortisol levels in check. Try out these tips, incorporate Relax Me and Adrenal Support into your routine, and take advantage of our limited-time sale. Here’s to calmer, happier mornings and a more balanced life!

Fore more health tips, be sure to follow us on Instagram and enroll in our rewards program. ☀️

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