Experiencing depression can be very difficult. Depression can drain your energy, leaving you feeling sad, empty, and fatigued with no motivation to do anything. This can make it very difficult to have the strength or desire to get the help that you need. Small lifestyle changes may help you with managing your feelings of depression.
If a person is feeling intense feelings of sadness or experiencing a loss of interest in daily activities, they may have clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder. Although some of the ideas that we present may not feel helpful or possible at the moment, you can try a few different things and see what works for you.
Realize You Are Not Alone:
Depression affects millions of people worldwide, including some that you may personally know. You may not realize that they face the same obstacles that you are currently facing. Being open, accepting, and meeting yourself where you are and what you are going through may help you to navigate your depression better. Some studies have shown that practicing mindfulness can help manage symptoms of depression.
Talk To Someone That You Trust:
It might feel challenging to talk to someone about how you are feeling. However, research has shown that talking to someone about their experiences may help them feel better. Having someone listen shows that they care about you and that alone can help tremendously. You may not feel comfortable opening up to someone close to you about how you feel. There are resources out there such as helplines that are available to speak to you at any time of the day in confidentiality.
Look After Your Physical Health:
Experiencing depression can make it hard to find the energy to practice some self-care, but taking steps to look after your health can make a difference in how you feel.
- Eat a healthy diet - Growing research suggests that eating healthy foods fosters better mental health, while poor-quality diets diminish mental health. Try picking a diet with vitamins and minerals. Specifically, Vitamin B and D, fiber, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you are struggling with some healthy snack ideas check out our blog post on “Cooling Foods for the Summer Months”.
- Get a good night's sleep - For those who struggle with depression, you might find that you struggle to sleep, or you sleep too much. Getting a good amount of sleep can help improve your mood and boost your energy levels. You may find it helpful to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Read our blog post “Sleep Better & Sleep Longer” for tips on how to improve your quality of sleep.
- Get physical - Many of us may find exercising to be difficult but even some low-intensity activities can help with your mood. If you don't feel comfortable with exercising, start with smaller activities and increase from there. Try going for a brief walk around the block. Getting some sunlight and fresh air may be beneficial to your mood and well-being.
- Avoid the use of recreational drugs and alcohol - you might feel like using drugs or alcohol can help you cope with unwanted feelings about yourself, but, in the long run, these might make you feel worse.
Take Care Of Your Hygiene:
Taking a shower, getting dressed, or even brushing your teeth can make a difference in how you feel. If you do not feel up to it, you can try some easier tasks instead.
- Use wet wipes if you don't feel up to taking a shower
- Use mouthwash instead of brushing your teeth
- Try changing into a clean pair of underwear and pajamas if getting dressed feels too hard
Set Attainable Goals:
Instead of coming up with a list of tasks, try setting small and attainable goals. Accomplishing these goals can provide a sense of control, accomplishment, and motivation.
- Instead of cleaning the whole house, try a small task like taking out the trash
- Clean the laundry up from the floor and sort it into a hamper
- Don't go through all of your mail, instead, try sorting through time-sensitive mail
Reward Your Efforts:
All goals are worthy of recognition. When you achieve a goal, big or small, do your best to bring attention to it. You may not feel like celebrating, but recognizing your accomplishments can be a successful way to navigate your depression. Treat yourself to an iced coffee when you accomplish a goal. Getting out of the house can be beneficial and you don't even have to get out of the car! Try looking for a place near your home that has a drive-through option.
Incorporate Sol Nutritions Happy Day Into Your Supplement Routine:
Happy Day herbal dietary supplement helps you maintain a healthy, elevated mood, with balanced energy levels throughout the day. Happy Day is great for those who are struggling with symptoms of mild to moderate depression. This supplement contains herbs such as Astragalus, Salvia Root, Collective Happiness Bark, and other herbs which have all been commonly prescribed to help with uplifting energy and mood, and promoting happiness and motivation.
The Bottom Line:
Depression is common and it is important to note that you do not have to go through it alone. There are many resources out there that can help you. You may find it helpful to speak with a professional about what you are going through. A practitioner may be able to refer you to a therapist or another specialist. Finding the right treatment for yourself could take some time. Be open to your healthcare provider about what is and is not working so that they can come up with a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.
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