Cortisol Lowering Supplements: The Latest Health Trend

Cortisol Lowering Supplements: The Latest Health Trend

Lowering cortisol levels is trending right now, and for good reason. But why are people suddenly so focused on reducing their cortisol levels? Is this just another health fad, or is there real merit to it? This blog will explore the role of cortisol in your body, the effects of both high and low cortisol levels, and natural ways to balance them. We'll also examine whether lowering cortisol levels is genuinely beneficial or just another health trend.

What is Cortisol?

Let's begin with the most important question: What exactly is cortisol? Cortisol is your body's primary stress hormone, produced by your adrenal glands. It plays a vital role in various functions, working with specific parts of your brain to regulate mood, motivation, and fear.

Why People Are Trying to Reduce Their Cortisol Levels?

In today's fast-paced world, chronic stress has become a common issue. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. While cortisol is essential for managing stress and maintaining energy, prolonged exposure to high levels can lead to numerous health problems. Dr. Jing Liu, a respected expert in the field, has observed many patients suffering from high cortisol levels in her practice. According to her, this is not just a passing trend; it’s a crucial aspect of managing chronic stress and its effects on health.

What Does Cortisol Do?

Cortisol is a vital hormone that affects many aspects of your health. Here are some of its key functions:

  1. Manages Metabolism: Cortisol helps your body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins effectively.
  2. Reduces Inflammation: It keeps inflammation down, promoting overall health.
  3. Regulates Blood Pressure: Cortisol helps maintain stable blood pressure.
  4. Controls Sleep/Wake Cycle: It plays a role in your sleep patterns, helping you wake up and wind down.
  5. Boosts Energy: Cortisol provides the energy you need to handle stress and restores balance afterward.

High Cortisol Levels: The Effects of Chronic Stress

Stress triggers a series of signals in your body from both hormones and nerves, causing your adrenal glands to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. While short-term stress can be beneficial, long-term exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can negatively impact your health.

Is Reducing Cortisol Just a Trend?

The focus on lowering cortisol levels is not just a fad. Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can lead to serious health issues such as:

  • Weight Gain: Dr. Liu points out that stress is the number one cause of weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. She also mentions that high levels of cortisol can lead to stretch marks and muscle weakness because elevated cortisol can break down muscle tissue and affect skin elasticity.
  • Mental Health Disorders: Stress can cause depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
  • Sleep Disturbances: High cortisol can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and fatigue.
  • Thyroid and Adrenal Problems: Prolonged stress can disrupt the function of these glands, leading to hormonal imbalances.

Health Risks of High Cortisol:

Prolonged high cortisol levels can lead to a range of health issues, including:

  • Heart Disease: Increased risk due to high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Lung Issues: Higher likelihood of respiratory problems.
  • Obesity: Cortisol can lead to weight gain and fat accumulation.
  • Anxiety and Depression: Mental health disorders linked to chronic stress.

The Importance of Cortisol:

It’s important to note that cortisol is not all bad. Humans need cortisol for various essential functions, including metabolism regulation, inflammation reduction, and energy provision. The key is balance. While too much cortisol can be harmful, having the right amount is crucial for overall health.

Low Cortisol Levels: When Your Body Can't Cope

Low cortisol levels, although less common, can also cause significant health problems. This condition might be due to autoimmune dysfunction, infections, or tumors. Secondary adrenal insufficiency can result from a lack of the hormone ACTH, often caused by issues with the pituitary gland.

Signs of Low Cortisol Levels:

  1. Fatigue: Persistent tiredness and lack of energy.
  2. Abdominal Pain: Discomfort and digestive issues.
  3. Low Blood Pressure & Low Blood Sugar: Dizziness and fainting.
  4. Weight Loss: Unintentional and unexplained weight loss.
  5. Mood Changes: Irritability, depression, and apathy.

Taking Care of Yourself:

Dr. Liu emphasizes the importance of taking care of ourselves not just physically, but mentally too. Chronic stress can lead to a host of health issues, and managing cortisol levels is a significant part of maintaining overall well-being. By reducing stress through lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and natural supplements, we can help balance our cortisol levels and improve our health.

Start Your Morning Right: Dr. Liu's Tips to Regulate Cortisol

Balancing cortisol levels throughout the day starts with how you begin your morning. According to Dr. Liu, here are some essential steps to take:

  • Delay Phone Use by 30 Minutes - First things first, resist the urge to check your phone immediately upon waking up. Give yourself at least 30 minutes before diving into emails, social media, or news. This helps reduce morning stress and allows your body to wake up naturally, setting a calmer tone for the day. 

  • Get 10 Minutes of Morning Sun - Step outside and soak in the morning sun for at least 10 minutes. Natural sunlight boosts your mood, helps regulate your circadian rhythm, and supports healthy cortisol levels. Plus, it’s a great way to wake up your body and mind naturally.

  • Opt for a High-Protein Breakfast - Fuel your body with a nutritious, high-protein breakfast. Foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, or a protein smoothie provide sustained energy and help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing cortisol spikes that can result from a carbohydrate-heavy breakfast.

  •  Enjoy Your Caffeine After Breakfast - If you’re a coffee lover, enjoy your caffeine fix after you’ve had your breakfast. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can spike cortisol levels, leading to increased stress and anxiety. Eating first helps buffer these effects, allowing you to enjoy your coffee without the cortisol rush. Try to moderate your caffeine consumption and opt for herbal teas or supplements such as GoGo Energy from Sol Nutrition 😉. This herbal supplement helps you reduce caffeine intake while providing long-lasting energy without any crash or jitters.

  • Practice 5 Minutes of Deep Breathing - Take five minutes to practice deep breathing exercises. This simple practice can significantly lower stress and cortisol levels, helping you start your day with a calm and focused mind. Try techniques like belly breathing or progressive muscle relaxation meditation

  • Relax MeHappy DaySleep Deeply

    What Supplements Lower Cortisol?

    Sol Nutrition offers a range of supplements designed to help balance cortisol levels naturally:

    1. Relax Me: Ideal for stress relief.
    2. Happy Day: Promotes happiness, energy, and productivity, for symptoms of mild to moderate depression. 
    3. Sleep Deeply: Helps with insomnia and promotes restful sleep.

    For those with long-term high cortisol levels, Adrenal Support is highly recommended. It helps balance and detoxify adrenal glands and hormones, aiding in proper cortisol production.

    For low cortisol levels, Adrenal Support and GoGo Energy can provide the necessary support to boost energy and improve overall health.

    Exciting Offer! Some of these fantastic products are currently on a 50% sale until July 18. Don't miss out on this incredible deal!

    Also Read: Sweet Summer: Keep Sugar Levels in Check with Sugar Down 


    So, should we be trying to reduce our cortisol levels? The answer is yes but with a nuanced approach. It’s not about eliminating cortisol, but rather managing it to prevent the adverse effects of chronic stress. By doing so, we can avoid health issues like weight gain, depression, sleep disturbances, and thyroid or adrenal problems. Remember, a balanced life includes caring for your mental health just as much as your physical health.

    With the guidance of experts like Dr. Liu and the support of natural supplements from Sol Nutrition, you can find effective ways to manage stress and maintain healthy cortisol levels.  ☀️

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