Not feeling the joy of the holidays during this time of year? You are not alone. Many people find that the holidays bring as much stress as they bring joy. But there are ways to ease through the holidays.
Plan everything in advance
Taking care of things on your to-do list at the last minute will always bring more stress. Try to start planning for your holidays in advance. For example, start buying your gifts before the start of December. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are great for finding gifts at discounted prices. I always make a list of gifts for people on my Amazon account and check out what deals they have when Black Friday or Cyber Monday comes around. This makes things a lot easier because I am already looking at the products that I am interested in and it helps me with budgeting.
Boost your energy
Endless hours spent at the store looking for gifts can be exhausting! If you are a person who likes to go out and do your holiday shopping in person rather than online shopping, consider taking GoGo Energy from Sol Nutrition. A healthy herbal alternative to energy drinks or coffee is GoGo Energy. Unlike caffeine or other stimulants, GoGo will give you a long-lasting boost of energy without compromising your adrenals with no crash and no jitters.
Customer Testimonials for GoGo Energy
- “I have been taking gogo energy for about 2 weeks and I cannot believe the results I’ve been seeing so far! I have more energy to get through the day without having to solely rely on caffeine” - Grace
- “6 days using your GoGo energy!! I can feel THE difference!! I don't feel drained!!” - Hailey
- “I started taking GoGo energy, I noticed changes even with the first dose. I am able to make it through my day without needing naps or caffeine. I feel years younger and am able to keep up with all that is required of me (which is a lot). It really keeps me going!” - Carrie S.
Consider taking this supplement before you go out to do your holiday shopping to have naturally elevated energy levels throughout your day.
Simplify gift giving
- Set a goal to have all your gifts planned for everyone before December. This will allow you to be more relaxed knowing that all your gift ideas are prepared.
- Don't wait to do all your shopping at once. Buy gifts throughout the month and take advantage of any discounts that stores are offering.
- Offer experiences instead of gifts. Think about offering experiences to people such as tickets to a ball game or taking a culinary class. This will not only make gift-giving easier but will also help in making great memories.
Let go of perfection
If you are a perfectionist (like me) this can be challenging. But letting go of perfection will help bring more joy into your life! You will be less worried about the things that you “should do.” If you struggle with perfectionism, it is a sign that you care and that is great! Keep caring, but not at the expense of your mental health. It is possible to care and practice living in the present moment. Practice self-compassion and trust that you are doing the best that you can do.
For help with the holiday blues
A lot of factors can contribute to the holiday blues such as less sunlight, alcoholic holiday drinks, changes in your diet, or being unable to spend time with your loved ones. The stress of the holidays can often trigger feelings of sadness and depression for many people.
Happy Day at Sol Nutrition is an herbal dietary supplement that helps you maintain a healthy, elevated mood, with balanced energy levels throughout the day. This popular formula helps you cope with stress and anxiety and promotes happiness and motivation. Perfect for those who are feeling the holiday blues.
Plan your activities
There are plenty of holiday activities that you can find but this doesn't mean that you need to participate in all of them. If you find yourself trying to do them all, you'll discover that they stop becoming fun, and turn stressful instead. Consider picking your favorite holiday activities that you would like to enjoy with your family. This can be as simple as making gingerbread houses or decorating the tree together. Pick a few things that you are the most excited about, and only do those.
Schedule time to relax
During the holiday season, it is especially important to take a breather whenever you can. After all, you want to remember these days as some of the best times of your life, right?
Relax Me at Sol Nutrition is the perfect formula to help you recenter when you are feeling overly stressed out. Relax Me is an herbal blend that helps calm you physically and mentally without any feelings of drowsiness. This supplement is perfect for those who struggle with symptoms of frequent stress, anxiety, irritability, and tension.
Play Music
Whether you like traditional holiday music or not, it is possible that you can find something that is in the holiday spirit and will reduce your stress. Studies have shown that music can have a positive and immediate impact on our mental health. Our favorite songs release dopamine in our brain, which in turn, activates our brain's pleasure reward system.
The holidays are meant to be a fun and enjoyable time, spent with family and friends. The key to relaxing during this time of year is finding a balance between what needs to be done and what brings you joy. Following these tips can help you truly enjoy your holidays when the stress starts to kick in.
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