What's causing low testosterone? Let's fix it naturally!
- February 16, 2023
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- Jing Liu
Dr. Laura Henson and Dr. Jing Liu discuss the topic of declining testosterone levels in men, its causes, and how to improve it. Dr. Henson presents the Western medicine approach while Dr. Liu introduces the Eastern approach to give you the best of both worlds for your health.
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Causes of Decreased Testosterone
Apart from aging, Dr. Liu explains that some men have issues with testosterone converting to estrogen, a natural process in the body called aromatization. This conversion increases with age, weight gain, fatty tissue, and high stress levels.
Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone
Dr. Liu recommends natural ways to increase testosterone levels, such as:
Exercise and weightlifting
Eating a healthy diet with protein, fats, and carbs, like the Mediterranean diet
Reducing stress and getting enough sleep
Dr. Liu also introduces some healthy foods that help increase testosterone levels, such as red grapes, pomegranates, meat (preferably chicken and fish), garlic, honey, eggs, ginger, and spinach. Additionally, foods that inhibit aromatization include celery, broccoli, olive oil, mushrooms, oysters, and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale.
Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Dr. Henson explains that many men who experience decreased testosterone levels opt for testosterone replacement therapy with injections, gels, or patches. However, this method can lead to multiple side effects, such as:
Aggressiveness and irritability
Gynecomastia, the development of breasts in men
Dr. Liu adds that she frequently sees young men in their early 20s at her office who take protein powders to build muscle mass, not realizing that some protein powders contain soy, which boosts estrogen levels and leads to belly fat and gynecomastia. These men also suffer from low libido, which is detrimental to their sex life. Prolonged use of hormone replacement therapy can even cause their sex organs to shrink.
Eastern Medicine Approach to Increase Testosterone
To address this issue, Dr. Liu recommends an Eastern medicine approach that includes acupuncture and herbs to increase blood flow, enhance necessary hormones, and boost sexual desire, strength, and stamina. Some of the herbs Dr. Liu recommends include:
Horny goat weed, which increases blood flow to help increase the erection
Tribulus, which increases sensation and brings youthful energy
The medium, which helps to prolong intercourse and improve sexual performance
Where to Find These Supplements
Man Power at Sol Nutrition is a supplement that boosts sexual desire, strength, and stamina.
If men suffer from depression, a supplement called Happy Day can be added.
For those who have gained weight due to the hormones they were taking or supplement powders they were consuming, a supplement called Skinny Me can be added to help them lose a few pounds.
Sol Nutrition supplements can help men reach a happier and healthier life.