Can Sex Throw Off Your pH Balance?

Can Sex Throw Off Your pH Balance?

When it comes to sex, many factors can impact a woman's pH balance. We know that this is not something that you usually think of during or after sex but, understanding your vaginal pH and how it works can help you in avoiding some uncomfortable infections. 

What is vaginal pH?

pH is a measure of how alkaline or acidic something is, ranging from zero to fourteen (zero being extremely acidic and 14 being extremely alkaline, with seven being neutral). A healthy vaginal pH is usually moderately acidic. A healthy vaginal pH sits around the 3.8 to 4.5 mark. Believe it or not, wine and pickles sit at the same range. The acidity of the vagina's pH helps with preventing infections from entering. 

What causes an imbalance of pH during sex?

Unprotected sex can disturb the vagina's pH levels for several reasons. Semen has a high alkaline level, which sits between 7.1 and 8. During sex, your vagina increases its alkalinity to protect semen for fertilization. While this can be great for those who are trying to conceive, it can also trigger the growth of bad bacteria in the vagina. 

Another culprit of pH imbalance could be using certain lubricants. If you are using a lube that has a pH higher than 4.5, it is easy for your vaginal pH to be thrown off. Other factors that can throw off your pH levels include, douching, certain fragranced soaps and detergents with chemicals, or even being on your period. 

How do I know if my pH is off?

Due to the growth of bad bacteria, you are more susceptible to infections such as UTIs, BV, and yeast infections. If you are a woman, you know that it is pretty easy to tell when your pH has been disrupted. Being aware of these changes can help you act fast before the infection gets worse. 

Symptoms of an unbalanced vaginal pH include:

  • A burning sensation during sexual intercourse or urination 
  • Unusual discharge 
  • An itchy vagina 
  • A fishy smell 
  • Dryness and discomfort

Keep in mind that some of these symptoms can also mimic an STD, so it is important to see a women's provider when you notice abnormal changes. 

How can I avoid throwing off my pH & still enjoy sex? 

Use a condom

Using protection during sex is great for you, your vagina, and your sexual partner. Not only do condoms help prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDS, but they are also beneficial for preventing vaginal infections. Just remember to keep an eye out for the pH levels on lubrication as this can also disrupt your pH. 

Avoid harsh chemicals, fragrances, and detergents. 

Use gentle fragrance-free detergents and body washes. Certain chemicals and ingredients in soaps can disrupt your pH balance by killing off good bacteria. Your vagina is self-cleaning. The more you interfere with it, the more irritation you can cause. Wash your vagina daily with warm water and a washcloth. If you feel like you must use soap, use something mild and unscented. Try not to get any soap or water inside of your vagina and remember to pat yourself dry since yeast infections thrive on humidity. 

Avoid douching 

Douching makes it very easy for bad bacteria to enter the vagina, leading to a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV). If you already have a vaginal infection and use a douche, this can cause the bacteria to be pushed into the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries. 

Pee after sex 

During sex, there is a lot of touching, rubbing, caressing, etc. Sometimes bacteria from the outside world can find their way up to the urethra during sex. For people with penises, this might not be a big deal, but for people with vaginas, this can cause some uncomfortable vaginal infections. Going to the bathroom after sexual activities is an effective way to flush any bacteria from the urethra. Although you don't have to jump out of bed right away to use the restroom after sex, it is better to urinate sooner than later. Doctors recommend using the restroom within 30 minutes of sexual intercourse. 

Take Yeast Away 

Yeast Away encourages healthy pH levels and flora which supports your body in reducing burning sensations, redness, and irritation. This supplement assists in the healing process after removing excess yeast and fungus, resulting in a healthy pH. Its formula contains herbs such as Broom Cypress, Patrinia, Curculigo Root, and much more. These herbs have all been time-tested and used for years to correct pH levels and reduce symptoms of infections that come with an unbalanced pH. 

Balance your pH today 

Vaginal health may seem like a topic that is frowned upon to talk about, but Sol Nutrition encourages fighting the stigma to make women's health a part of normal everyday conversations. It is normal to experience an unbalanced pH every once in a while. However, vaginal health is important and can be improved by preventative actions, lifestyle changes, or introducing supplements such as Yeast Away into your supplement routine. Remember that vaginal infections can sometimes mimic symptoms of STDS, it is important to get tested regularly to keep your vagina healthy and happy! 

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